# Requesting

OData services support requests for data via HTTP GET requests.

# Entity Collections

Requesting entity sets, and entities from the set, are the two most common OData requests:

OData URLs are case-sensitive, make sure you're using the right casing for your entity sets!

# Individual Entity by ID

The requests below return an individual entity of type Person by the given ID 'michael-caine'.

The first uses the standard OData syntax where the key is provided inside parentheses. The key must be provided as the correct type, in this case it is a string.

The second shows OData's key-as-segment convention, allowing the key to be provided as a path segment. The provided key is type-coerced into the correct format when this syntax is used.

# Individual Property

To address an entity property clients append a path segment containing property name to the URL of the entity. If the property has a complex type, properties of that value can be addressed by further property name composition. First let's take a look at how to get a simple property. The request below returns the Name property of a Person.

Then let's see how to get a property value of a complex type. The request below returns the Address of the complex type Location of a Person.

# Individual Property Raw Value

To address the raw value of a primitive property, clients append a path segment containing the string $value to the property URL. The request below returns the raw value of property Name of a Person.